Photo Booth Props and Ideas

Are you looking to have a large party or celebration of some sorts? Maybe you are finally going to be tying the knot and you want to really enjoy it and make sure that you keep these wonderful memories. There are many different ways that you can do this but one of the most popular things that people are starting to do is to use a photo booth to capture these wonderful memories.

Now, even if you set up a photo booth on your own, like in Inside Out Booth there are other things that you need to think about too and can learn. Most photo booths will use things like photo booth props to heighten your experience and make the memories more fun and memorable.

printable photo booth props

Diy Photo Booth Props

One of the best ways to save money when looking into photo booths is to look at doing a DIY booth for your photos. This might not seem like the best idea or you might be thinking that just renting one would be better.

Of course renting one would be the best option and the company that you rent from would be more than happy to provide you with props to use. However, if you find yourself being unable to use this route, finding a simple DIY alternative for your booth and your props might be best option for you.

Now, setting up a photo booth wouldn’t be the easiest task but with youtube videos that will help you set up your booth step by step, there is no better time to do it.

Printable Photo Booth Props

Nowadays there are different ways to find photo booth props and most people like to dress up with hats and with fun little bows and things like that. You can always take a look at dollar stores and thrift stores to find some of these fun props but one of the things that you can do is look up printable props online.

The best option is to use thick poster type paper to print them out on so that they won’t bend or break just after one use. Another thing that people will do is to use cardboard as a thick backing and then use skewers or kabob sticks as the prop holders.

Some other things that you can do to make these props last is to laminate them if you have a laminating machine readily available. There are also other places like office supply stores that you can go to have things laminated.

Photo Booth Prop Ideas

There are many ideas that you can find for your photo booth props. If you are having a wedding, then maybe you could have fun props like a top hat representing the husband and a tiara representing the bride. You can also have props that say bride and groom.

If you are planning a baby shower, you can have a prop that people can wear that will make them look like they have a big pregnant belly. Maybe you can even use props like baby bottles and bonnets, and even a large cloth diaper that some people can wear for fun.

diy photo booth props

Photo Booth Props To Use

The ideas are endless and if you just can’t find one that seems to be right for you, you can look at youtube videos of other people enjoying their time with their photo booths and see what they had come up with.

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